Bringing the Bible to Life
Posted by Raquel Amit on February 6, 2014
When Rabbi Rafael Zarum suggested the topic – the “Politics of Purim”, I have to admit I wasn’t exactly jumping in excitement, but he assured me that it was a great topic and people would enjoyed it. So I nervously awaited the day. We haven’t had an evening shiur for a while and I wasn’t sure what the turnout would be. I had thought 10 people to be a good in the night when 30 people arrived, I was enthused.
What followed was one of the best presented shiurim I have ever heard.
Rabbi Zarum clearly is an educator of note which a brilliant knowledge of his subject as well as a person who loves and lives Judiasm.
Here is my attempt at what was said using Quotes straight out of Rabbi Zarum’s shiur
1. Purim is usually viewed as being about the Jews in Exile
2.In truth its a veiled story about Israel
3. Mordechai and Haman were politicians sent from Israel and the land of the Amalekites(next to Israel) to find favour with the Ruler of their respective lands,which in fact was Achashverosh. The book of Ezra was brought in to show back this all up.
4.So this wasn’t just a story about Haman not liking Mordechai the Jew. It was about both Haman and Mordechai lobbying the rulers in “Washington” . What were they lobbying for and against? – Israel!
We all sat mesmerised for an hour where The Bible was literally brought to Life.
One member walked out saying that after 65 years he now for the first time understands what Purim is all about .
The evening ended with drinks and food and everyone asking about the next Shiur in the series.
Well here it is !!
4th March Central Synagogue 7 for 7:30 pm
Title : Samson revisited
So strong, so misunderstood…. the failed Messiah?
Speaker : Maureen Kendler – Head of education , London School of Jewish Studies
Hope to see you soon.
Please call the office on 02075801355 to register your interest.