Central Synagogue Friday Night Coronation Service Press Release
Posted by Craig Levison on May 9, 2023
On Friday 5 May, Central Synagogue welcomed over 100 congregants at a special and unique Friday night service to celebrate the Coronation Weekend in the presence of the Chief Rabbi . This was followed by a special Royal Kiddush
The Chief Rabbi spoke about his special relationship and bond with King Charles , in particular how he had been warmly welcomed at the Coronation rehearsals and his proposed stay at St James Palace over the weekend , and the overwhelming generosity and warmth of the King and the Queen towards both him and his wife He also complimented Central synagogue on the holding of this service and its achievements generally, and commented on his close relationship with the Shul.
Congregants were also entertained by Chazan Steven Leas with a medley of traditional Friday night songs intertwined with Royal themes.
Rabbi Barry Lerer of Central said “ we were honoured to have the Chief Rabbi with us who provided dignity and depth to the occasion and who inspired us with his warm and glowing words towards the King and Queen“.
Chairman of Central Mervyn Druian added “ this was a unique event for Central synagogue and the presence of the Chief Rabbi was both inspiring and uplifting for all those who had the good fortune to be present“.
Central Synagogue looks forward to holding further services and events of this nature. It has embarked on an active programme of cultural events on topics of Jewish interest in its “Talks of Interest” and “Kiddush Talk” programme.
Information about all events can be found on the Central Synagogue website www.centralsynagogue.org.uk . For further information please contact the Central Synagogue on bookings@centralsynagogue.org.uk
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